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News of Our Organization

Photo: There are ideas that contain all the magnificence of the mining activity in Peru. Ideas that are enhanced with the honor of being awarded the “Andrés Marsano Porras” Gold Medal. Mundo Minero has joined in this effort, alongside engineers Rómulo Mucho and Julio César Gallardo, as well as Luciano Deliot, director of Mundo Minero.

The Chamber of Mines of Peru has a rich history, starting with the first steps of our founders in the mining world.

It began with the Pataz batholith, and then continued with the complexity of operations in southern Arequipa and the mechanized mining in the province of Oyón in Peru.

Over time, we reached today’s mining operations around the world as a result of globalization.

This is how our history came to be and part of it is embodied in our press releases.

Paradigms and change management for success in mining
December 21, 2018
Dr. Luis Iberico will chair our institution's Advisory Council
December 20, 2018
New Director of Mining Management at The Chamber of Mines of Peru
December 11, 2018
Journalist César Campos assumes chairmanship of Advisory Council
November 27, 2018
Training course at Universidad Técnica de Oruro
November 25, 2018
Pan American highlights programs of The Chamber of Mines of Peru
November 13, 2018
New specialized mining website of our institution
November 02, 2018
UNSCH Dean: “Let’s turn knowledge into development”
October 23, 2018
Study trip for Master’s Degree graduates of The Chamber of Mines
October 16, 2018