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Training course at Universidad Técnica de Oruro

The Chamber of Mines of Peru is developing a course on “Economics of minerals and optimization of mining operations”.

Training course at Universidad

The Chamber of Mines of Peru developed the training course at Universidad Técnica de Oruro (UTO). The lecture called “Economics of minerals and optimization of mining operations” will be in charge of engineer Edmundo Tulcanaza, Director of Mining Management. The event was held in the auditorium of the institution.

Therefore, attendees were able to update their knowledge related to the environment that generates uncertainty in mining. In addition, the event was attended by professionals and students from the UTO.

Likewise, in the training course held at Universidad Técnica de Oruro, the attendees learned different types of strategies. Among the most important ones is the use of tactics for the development of opportunities and challenges in order to increase profitability in the mining industry. Therefore, The Chamber of Mines of Peru also joined efforts to achieve this major objective.

Tulcanaza has been a manager and senior consultant at Codelco, Chile. He is also a representative of CIRSCO and CEO of the Centro de Estudios Mineros, Chile. He also worked in international engineering companies such as Davy, Fluor, Bechtel, Pincock, Allen & Holt, Ingendesa, among others.

The consultant is a specialist in Mining Project Evaluation from the Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI) in France, as well as in Geostatistics from the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines in Paris.

On the other hand, the UTO is a public institution located in the province of Oruro, Bolivia. In addition, it is consolidated as a leader in higher education due to its prestige and recognition.

The commitment of the university lies in the development of scientific research, as well as its support to local and regional human development, and to consolidate its interaction with the demands of society.

At the end of the training course, those attending the event received their respective certificates to certify their participation.