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News of Our Organization

Photo: There are ideas that contain all the magnificence of the mining activity in Peru. Ideas that are enhanced with the honor of being awarded the “Andrés Marsano Porras” Gold Medal. Mundo Minero has joined in this effort, alongside engineers Rómulo Mucho and Julio César Gallardo, as well as Luciano Deliot, director of Mundo Minero.

The Chamber of Mines of Peru has a rich history, starting with the first steps of our founders in the mining world.

It began with the Pataz batholith, and then continued with the complexity of operations in southern Arequipa and the mechanized mining in the province of Oyón in Peru.

Over time, we reached today’s mining operations around the world as a result of globalization.

This is how our history came to be and part of it is embodied in our press releases.

International Course for Management of Mining Companies in Times of Crisis
September 09, 2019
Shifting Mining Paradigms to Achieve Success in our Sector
August 20, 2019
Strategic Alliance, National University of the South and the CMP
August 17, 2019
Framework agreement, National University of the Altiplano and the CMP
August 10, 2019
Seismic Monitoring Systems to Reduce Rock Burst
August 09, 2019
The Chamber of Mines of Peru attending event at archaeological site
July 17, 2019
Mining Training at the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University
July 05, 2019
Self-Esteem in Mining as a Factor to Achieve Success
June 15, 2019
Using Enneagram for a more profitable and safer Mining Operation
June 13, 2019