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Mining Training at the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University

The Chamber of Mines of Peru offered a free training course “Outlook of the Mining Sector in Latin America 2019”.

Capacitación minera en la Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión

The Chamber of Mines of Peru offered a free training course “Outlook of the Mining Sector in Latin America 2019” to students from the School of Engineering at the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University (UNDAC).

This academic event was held at UNDAC’s main auditorium in Cerro de Pasco.

This initiative is part of the objective of our institution, which is to bring mining to everyone. In addition, it is aligned with the Social Responsibility commitment of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, since the organization was carried out with our institution’s own resources.

The students and teachers of the Daniel Alcides Carrión National University were more than satisfied with the training provided by the Chamber of Mines of Peru.

Above all, they enthusiastically see the presentation by MBA Oscar Calero, an official of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, whose professional experience in mining comes from countries such as Canada, Russia, Australia and India.

Cerro de Pasco, a place with a long mining tradition in Peru, could not remain on the sidelines of training provided by the Chamber of Mines of Peru, through its academic division CAMIPER School of Higher Studies, an institution whose strategic objectives are training and education of students from Peru and the world.

The importance of our mining training courses is evident in the words of Brenda Crisóstomo, a mining engineering student at Daniel Alcides Carrión National University.

«This type of training is very important to us, as it allows us to broaden our knowledge of mining. The Chamber of Mines of Peru does important work for us.»

Mining Training in Peruvian Universities

Our objective is to develop mining for everyone, with principles of social and environmental responsibility in a context of global integration.

For this reason, we take our free mining training courses to different cities in Peru. This is the only way we can truly contribute to the improvement of the development of a responsible extractive activity.

So far, we have visited cities of great mining tradition in the country, such as Cajamarca, Tacna, Abancay, among others. And we will continue on this path, promoting a positive synergy between companies, society and State, based on mining.