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Students of the UNH were trained by the Chamber of Mines

The event «Effective tools to achieve success in the mining business» benefited 200 students.

Students of the UNH were trained by the Chamber of Mines

Students of the National University of Huancavelica (UNH) were trained by the Chamber of Mines of Peru. Our institution, in order to offer the benefits of a quality mining education in the regions of the country, organized the event «Effective tools to achieve success in the mining business». This event was held at the Lircay-Angaraes headquarters of the UNH.

The event was organized by the Chamber of Mines of Peru through the chief executive officer of the institution, engineer Cesar Gallardo Vela, and the Faculty of Mining and Civil Engineering of the University, as part of the educational agreement signed between both institutions.

The presentations were held at the Campus of Lircay – Angaraes, and were attended by 200 undergraduate students and professors from the UNH.

The main speakers, as representatives of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, were Mr. Carlos Castagnola Sanchez, General Secretary of the Advisory Council, and Eng. Alberto Ccahuana Avila, Director of Occupational Safety and Health.

Eng. Rodrigo Huamancaja Espinoza, Dean of the Faculty of Mining and Civil Engineering, and the Director of the Professional School of Mining Engineering, Eng. Jorge Rodriguez Deza, were present on behalf of the University.

High quality speakers trained students of the UNH

Mr. Carlos Castagnola began the presentation with the sections «Leadership, Creativity and Innovation», «Ontological Coaching for the Mining Sector» and «Psychological Tools in the Mining Sector».

Mr. Castagnola urged students of the UNH to apply a modern approach to leadership in the mining sector. He also explained the use of psychological motivational tools for the benefit of both the mining worker and his personnel.

Eng. Alberto Ccahuana took the floor with the topic «Current Mining Legislation and Mining Safety Management». In his presentation, Mr. Ccahuana summarized the latest mining legislation and the latest in safety processes for the industry.

Benefits of the agreement for students

The event ended having fulfilled its goal of bringing quality mining training to future miners in the regions of the country. At the end of presentations, students of the UNH received a certificate issued to accredit the value of the event in 8 academic hours for their respective careers.

At the end of the session, the students approached the representatives of the Chamber of Mines of Peru to express their satisfaction with the training received and to obtain more information about the upcoming events to be organized by the institution.

Thanks to the agreement signed by the Chamber of Mines of Peru and the National University of Huancavelica, it is possible to offer students and professors of the University a quality mining training and complement their mining education.