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Objetivo Responsabildad Social

Health professionals participated in the «Social Responsibility» project of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, in favor of the community near the Unacem plant (former Cementos Lima), in the district of Villa Maria del Triunfo – Lima, Peru, 2016.

Equipment donated for internal training and medical use at the Ancon Polyclinic, as part of the «Social Responsibility» campaign promoted by the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru – 2018.

The Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, as part of its Social Responsibility program and using its own resources, conducted a free training course for undergraduate students of the Technical University of Oruro. Doctor Carlos Castagnola, Senior Management advisor to the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, trained future mining professionals – Bolivia, 2018.

«Social Responsibility» project, organized by the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru. The photo shows members of our technical team promoting sustainable development and responsible for the mining sector – Lima, Peru, 2016.

As part of the Social Responsibility program of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, the free course Perspectives for the Mining Sector 2019-2020 and Job Placement of Graduates was conducted at the Daniel Alcides Carrion National University (UNDAC). Doctor Carlos Castagnola, Senior Management Advisor to our institution, participated in this course – Cerro de Pasco, 2019.

objetivo responsabilidad social

The Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, as part of its Social Responsibility program, made a reception for the students who belong to the Training and Scholarship Program. This program benefits the best students of national universities in Lima and provinces from professional careers in geology, mining and metallurgy – Lima, Peru, 2009.

As part of its Social Responsibility program, the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru developed the free course Perspectives for the Mining Sector 2019-2020 and Job Placement of Graduates at the National University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco. This course was conducted by Mg. Carlos Reátegui, international consultant of our institution – Cusco, 2019.

As part of its Social Responsibility program, the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru offered, for free, a training course for the students of the National University of San Antonio Abad in Cusco, contributing to the education of the new generations of mining professionals in Peru – Cusco, 2019.

Doctor Carlos Castagnola, Senior Management advisor to the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, conducted the free course Perspectives for the Mining Sector 2019-2020 and Job Placement of Graduates. This course was organized by the Social Responsibility Office of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, and held at the Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University – Tacna, 2019.

The Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, as part of its Social Responsibility Project, made donations to people in Chosica since they were affected by the floods and mudslides caused by the coastal “El Niño” phenomenon – Lima, 2017.

As part of its Social Responsibility program, the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru conducted the course Perspectives for the Mining Sector 2019-2020 and Job Placement of Graduates at the Micaela Bastidas National University. This course was offered by Doctor Óscar Calero, international consultant of our institution – Abancay, 2019.

Anemia in our country is a public health problem. It is estimated that 4 out of 10 children under the age of 3 have this disease. For this reason, the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru conducted the Social Responsibility Campaign “Anemia Screening”, in the district of Villa María del Triunfo, Lima – Peru, 2016.