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Peruvian Geology Congress Opening is a Success

The event was opened by the mining businessman Guido del Castillo, President of the Organizing Committee.

Peruvian Geology Congress Opening is a Success

Government authorities, representatives of other countries, businessmen and specialists from the mining and hydrocarbon sector gathered at the Andrés del Castillo Museum to inaugurate the XVIII edition of the Peruvian Geology Congress. The event concluded on October 19 on the campus of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).

The mining businessman Guido del Castillo, president of the Organizing Committee of this year’s edition of the Peruvian Geology Congress, inaugurated the event. He was accompanied by the Minister of Energy and Mines, Gonzalo Tamayo; the Japanese ambassador to Peru, Tatsuya Kabutan, the Executive Director of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, Eng. César Gallardo Vela, and the President of the Geological Society of Peru, Carlos Monges Reyes.

“Geology has taken a great leap in the last 15 years thanks to technology. This has allowed us to better identify the earth’s data at a lower cost. For this reason, in this opportunity we have chosen the slogan “Geology’s Contribution to the Economic Development of Peru”.

«En este Congreso se presentarán 6 conferencias magistrales de expositores nacionales y extranjeros; 11 ponencias empresariales, 4 charlas especializadas sobre minas y petróleo; y siete mesas redondas que abarcarán temas que van desde las exploraciones mineras hasta los riesgos y desastres en Perú y el mundo. Espero que disfruten de estos días de Congreso”, señaló el Ing. Guido del Castillo. “There are 6 master conferences given by national and international speakers; 11 business presentations, 4 series of lectures on mines and oil; and 7 round tables that will cover topics from mining exploration to risks and disasters in Peru and the world. I hope you enjoy the event”, commented Eng. Guido del Castillo.

Peruvian Geology Congress strengthens the sector

For his part, César Gallardo Vela, Executive Director of CMP, highlighted that events such as this one and the GEOMET 2016 strengthen the capacities of stakeholders related to mining and allow the analysis and debate of the mining industry.

The XVIII Peruvian Geology Congress aims to show the diverse disciplines of geology. In addition, it exhibits the advances and results of studies that are important for a large part of the industrial sectors of the country.

The Peruvian Geology Congress is held every two years. This time it seeks to highlight the participation of earth sciences, particularly geology, in the progress of the country.

This congress seeks to share the results of investigations that interest the geological world and that are essential for sectors such as mining, hydrocarbons, electricity, transportation, housing, environment, health, and agriculture, among others.