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Optimization of underground mining operations in training

MBA Oscar Calero, Director of Mining Projects, has 20 years of international experience.

Optimization of underground mining operations in training

The Chamber of Mines of Peru will organize the event «GeoMet 2016», next October. «Short Courses» is included in the program of the event, which are technical presentations that will address various topics that are part of daily events of mining industry. One of these presentations will focus on «Optimization of Underground Mining Operations», given by MBA Oscar Calero, Director of Mining Projects of the Chamber of Mines of Peru.

Specialist mentioned that «optimization strategies include production capacity and cost reduction in the performance of unitary activities. Improving the blasting phase implies good loading and transportation. This translates into correct crushing and grinding».

Aspects for optimizing underground mining operations

Regarding drilling and blasting in underground mining, there are four aspects to develop it effectively: efficient use of energy, high quality control, experienced personnel and teamwork. The first two refer to technical section, where aspects such as analysis of characteristics of the rock mass come into consideration.

Likewise, the last two are human factor in mining company, which are about specialized personnel, communication and responsibility.

Basically, optimization of underground mining operations is related to various aspects such as the search for mechanisms to reduce production costs, improvement in loading and transportation. For this, there are two aspects to take into account: reducing costs and increasing tons loaded and transported. Also, focus on tons per shift, which is where improvements in machine and operator efficiency result in significant benefits.

Operator training in underground mining processes

Operator training is also an important element. It must be taken into account that workers know the technical characteristics of the units and vehicles. In order for them to know how to get the maximum performance.

One of the key factors to increase productivity during loading and transportation in underground mining is the exchange time of the trucks. That is, how long it takes from the last unloading of a vehicle to the following unloading.

An important aspect in underground mining operations is optimization in the design of ventilation mechanisms. These must be oriented to provide the necessary amount of oxygen for personnel breathing and combustion process of the equipment. In addition, it is also useful to reduce temperatures, dilute and remove harmful gases. All this with the objective of generating a safer and more comfortable work environment, which guarantees maximum performance of all those involved in the mining process. In some deposits, according to number of fans available, ventilation is a heavy investment, in some cases, 20% of the total.