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Mining operations in times of crisis: Analysis in II GeoMet 2016

International Congress GeoMet 2016, will contribute with knowledge, to the development of mining in Peru.

Mining operations in times of crisis: Analysis in II GeoMet 2016

The Chamber of Mines of Peru has managed to bring together for the second time the outstanding members of its Board of Directors and Advisory Council, who will be present at the second edition of the International Mining Congress GeoMet 2016, which will take place from October 11 to 14 of this year. Where they will address the thematic axis of mining operations in times of crisis, among other outstanding topics.

Based on the good reception of the 2015 edition, the Chamber of Mines of Peru has decided to hold, for the second consecutive year, this event to analyze the characteristics, needs and possibilities for improvement in the current mining scenario and time, marked by the aforementioned crisis of operations. This has increased metal prices in the global market, increased socio-environmental conflicts and decreased investments in extractive operations, which has led to the stoppage of some projects or a reduction in their size.

Likewise, in view of this current mining scenario, it is necessary for companies to develop new strategies that contribute to the optimization of production processes; in addition to cost reduction and the development of social responsibility programs, aimed at sustainable development to face mining operations in times of crisis.

GeoMet 2016 Program

The event program will be composed of three main thematic axes. The first one, for the most outstanding topics of the «III Pending Agenda of the Mining Sector 2016», where there will be four presentations. Eng. Marco Villegas Aguilar, General Director of Mining at the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem), will give the first one: «Current Issues, Role of the State and Opening of Investments».

The second presentation will be given by Mr. Manuel Becerra Vilchez, Mayor of the Cajamarca province, who will speak on «Mining Activity and Community Relations». The third presentation will be given by Mg. Guillermo Casafranca Garcia, Director of Environmental and Social Responsibility Projects of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, who will present «Experiences and Perspectives of Sustainable Development». The last presentation will be made by Mrs. Xenia Forno, Mining and Environmental Law Expert of Rubio Leguia Normand Law Firm, who will speak on «Legal Aspects, Media and Training Institutions».

Second part and third thematic section

The second thematic part will be separated by the specialized «Short Courses», which will cover topics such as management, mining, geology and metallurgy, as well as, maintenance, environment, safety and social responsibility topics which will be in charge of Board of Directors and Advisory Council of the Chamber of Mines of Peru. For example, Lourival Tavares, with the topic «Management Skills in Times of Crisis», MBA Oscar Calero Revolledo, who will develop «Optimization of Operations in Surface and Underground Mining».

Also, Mr Carlos Hernandez Condori, with the topic «Safety Based on Values Applied to the Reduction of Accidents in Mining», Mr. Churchill Vela Velasquez presenting «Geometallurgy Applied to Optimization of the Benefit of Mining Resources», and Mr. Roberto Poncela Poncela, who will speak on: «Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector in Times of Crisis».

The third thematic section will be about the «Plenary Presentations», where topics of the mining process, such as mining operations in times of crisis, metallurgy, geology, etc., will be addressed. These will be given by managers and representatives of the main mining companies and institutions related to the sector.