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In Company course delivered in Colquiri mine by our institution

The Chamber of Mines of Peru organized the course “Mining Operations Management” at the Colquiri mine facilities.

Curso In Company dictado en mina Colquiri por nuestra institución

The Chamber of Mines of Peru organized the In Company course “Mining Operations Management” at the Colquiri mine facilities, located in the department of La Paz, Bolivia.

The course was given by engineer Luis Alva, president of the Technical Advisory Committee of our institution.

Likewise, engineer Alva, through the In Company course shared his experiences and knowledges on mining operations. Among those attending the event were professionals from Colquiri mine, COMIBOL executives and project managers from Huanuni mine. Everyone participated actively in the classes and through workshops organized by the speaker.

In addition, Javier Zamora, COMEBOL executive, said: “I am very grateful for the opportunity provided by our institution to develop these training courses. This is very useful for updating our knowledge and aiming at the mining of the future.

Currently, Alva is the general manager at Mining Company San Ignacio de Morococha S.A.A. He has also served as General Manager at Minera Aruntani S.A.C., Operations Manager at Catalina Huanca Mine, Trafigura Group, Operations Manager at Minsur S.A. at San Rafael Mine, Section Head of Preparations and Developments at Minsur S.A., Head of Guards at Minsur S.A. Santa Barbara Mining Unit, Mine Superintendent at Minsur S.A., among others.

Colquiri Mine Profile

The Bolivian mining company Colquiri is a subsidiary of the state-owned mining company Comibol, and is engaged in the exploitation, extraction, processing and marketing of zinc and tin in concentrate at the Colquiri mine, located in the department of La Paz.

It is also considered one of the main mineral sources of the Altiplane country since its extractive projects have been consolidated over time. Generating changes and improvements for the surrounding communities in the region, as well as income for the neighboring country Bolivia.