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Geometallurgy: a tool for optimization of mining benefit

The Chamber of Mines promotes the geometallurgical model to perform a complete reconnaissance of the deposit.

Geometallurgy: a tool for optimization of mining benefit

Geometallurgy as a tool for mining optimization has gained presence over the years and has presented an important take-off. That is why Mr. Churchill Vela, Director of Geology Projects of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, will be in charge of the presentation «Geometallurgy Applied to Optimization of the Benefit of Mining Resources». With the purpose of explaining the different aspects as an innovative tool in the sector.

Mr. Churchill Vela pointed out that «the purpose of optimization is to integrate all aspects of the development and planning of mining development, identifying production levels (which depend on hardness and milling) and recovery (a function of ore liberation, shape and texture, etc.) and the quality of the concentrate.  These variables are important elements when determining costs and profits of the mining project».

Plant operation stage in mining

Geometallurgy improves communication between geologists, mine planners and metallurgists. All disciplines working together to value the deposit and better extract the various types of materials. This allows a complete analysis of the deposit. This helps to define real value of the ore, in terms of product to be obtained, and in turn, cost of production defines the mining plan completely. It is also necessary to break down the barriers between professionals. This means that experts related to a mining project must work together with a common objective, valuing the contributions of each one in the comprehensive process. It is also important to establish the concept of joint communication. This kind of symbiosis of mining disciplines should lead to the creation of recovery models based on laboratory tests. Measuring metallurgical variables during the exploration and mapping stage is highly recommended.

Geometallurgical evaluation

Geometallurgical evaluation as a tool for optimization involves changes in traditional methods. This refers to introduction of evaluation techniques related to metallurgical processes. Which are responses of various metallurgical variables and also introduction of these responses into the definition of geometallurgical blocks. This allows to have a complete record of the deposit so that the metallurgical yield and economic value are determined long before the ore enters the metallurgical plant.