The psychology specialist believes that with the Enneagram tool a substantial improvement can be achieved in the work within the mining business.
Dr. Carlos Castagnola, Senior Management Advisor of The Chamber of Mines of Peru, gave his opinion on the institution’s work for the development of responsible mining.
He also stated that the main objective is “to be ahead in the search for integral mining for everyone and to optimize processes.”
Meanwhile, Dr. Castagnola commented on the importance of safety in the mining activity: “The most important thing in any work activity is the human being. Employees are part of our family,” expressed the specialist.
“Whether open pit or underground, mining is a high-risk activity. In recent years there have been many accidents and this not only harms the families, but also the company”, said Dr. Castagnola.
“Risks must be minimized through the implementation of measures and regulations that guarantee the well-being of workers during their work”, added.
Tools to improve mining activity
Finally, Dr. Castagnola explained that ontological coaching is fundamental in mining activity. “It is necessary to know ourselves and others. In psychology, there is one of the clearest and most precise methods available for understanding each other.
Within ontological coaching there is characterology that distinguishes between nine personality types. We refer to the Enneagram tool, which illuminates virtues, weaknesses and potentialities”, explained.
By identifying the different types of personalities, it is possible to measure the potential of each person. This is important in risk reduction, hazard identification and optimal work.
The Chamber of Mines of Peru is a pioneer in the research and development of proposals based on the Enneagram and ontological coaching within the mining sector.
Dr. Castagnola concluded: “At the same time, the tool gives us clear indications as to where a person can change. It shows us the ‘mask’ (defenses) that we have been creating over the years as a way of adapting to what the contextpresented to us.”