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The Bolivian press interviewed Engineer César Gallardo, president of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, after a strategic meeting with Félix César Navarro, the Bolivian Minister of Mining and Metallurgy (2018) – La Paz, 2018.

Tiempo Minero press team interviewed Engineer Jesús Arias Dávila’s brother, who shared touching words during the tribute to the engineer. This ceremony was organized by the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru at Los Delfines Hotel, 2012.

Engineer Enrique Boza Barrios, an outstanding professional and managing director of the Pomasi Mining Company, highlighted the work of Engineer Jesús Arias Dávila during his posthumous tribute. This event took place after an interview carried out by the Tiempo Minero press team, which is part of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru. Lima, 2012.

Engineer Eva Arias Vargas, an outstanding Peruvian mining entrepreneur and the general manager of the Poderosa Mining Corporation, speaking with the Tiempo Minero press team during the posthumous tribute to Engineer Jesús Arias. This tribute was organized by our institution at Los Delfines Hotel. Peru, 2012.

Main national media having an interview with Engineer César Gallardo, chief executive officer of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, during the ceremony of the III Pending Agenda of the Mining Sector, in the Congress of the Republic of Peru, 2016.

The Tiempo Minero professional team carried out a communicational coverage of the Introduction Course to Mining, conducted by MBA Luis Alva, member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru – Vice Presidency Hall of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. La Paz, 2018.

Objetivo Comunicación

The Tiempo Minero press team, part of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, covering statements made by Félix César Navarro, the Bolivian Minister of Mining and Metallurgy, in the Vice Presidency Hall of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. La Paz, 2018.

Exclusive statements made by Félix César Navarro, the Bolivian Minister of Mining and Metallurgy, for the Tiempo Minero Press team, in the Vice Presidency Hall of the Plurinational State of Bolivia – La Paz, 2018.

The Bolivian Mining Mothers Community carried out an interview with Engineer César Gallardo, the president of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru – Vice Presidency Hall of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, La Paz, 2018.

Objetivo Reconocimientos

Coverage of the First Award Ceremony for Pioneer Mining Entrepreneurs. Event organized by the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru at the Las Lagunas Club in La Molina – Lima, 2007.

Exclusive interview with Eng. Mario and Pedro Brescia Caferatta, mining entrepreneurs and founders of Grupo Brescia. Next to Eng. César Gallardo Álvarez, Senior Management advisor to the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru, 2007.

Coverage of the recognition ceremony for the Ambassador of Peru in Italy, Luis Iberico. From left to right: Lic. César Campos, President of the Advisory Council; Néstor Popolizio, former minister of foreign affairs; Eng. César Gallardo, chief executive officer of the Chamber Of Mines Of Peru; and Doctor Carlos Castagnola, Senior Management Advisor. Lima, 2015.