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Public Institutions recognizes Academic Work of our Institution

Government agencies value the academic function and international prestige of the Chamber of Mines of Peru.

Public Institutions recognizes Academic Work of our Institution

Government agencies value the academic function and international prestige of the Chamber of Mines of Peru. 

More and more public institutions are recognizing and giving greater value to the Chamber of Mines of Peru. This is the result of 16 years of service in the mining educational field, in which we have increased our prestige in public and private entities, which do not hesitate to recognize and provide higher scores to professionals who apply to their work areas with a diploma conferred by our institution.

A few years ago, there was a clear example of the foregoing, when the Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation (CORPAC S.A.) agreed to award a public work to a company (CONSULTORA S.A.C.).

This company’s chief of operations was a professional with a Graduate Diploma conferred by the Chamber of Mines of Peru indicated in his curriculum vitae.

When consulted by CORPAC S.A., the Mining Chamber of Peru provided all the information required by the state institution and collaborated in all administrative procedures.

Other institutions have also recognized the symbolic and academic value of the diplomas and certifications conferred by the Chamber of Mines of Peru. In fact, to date, they maintain a close relationship of mutual and permanent collaboration.

Public Institutions recognizing the Chamber of Mines of Peru

Ministry of Energy and Mines; Empresa de Generación Eléctrica de Arequipa S.A. – EGASA; Ministry of Production, and the National Service of Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investments – SENACE; other public institutions recognizing our value are the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Special Jury of Elections, Public Prosecutor’s Office, National Roads and Activos Mineros S.A.A.

In this way, the prestige of the Mining Chamber of Mines of Peru within public institutions is recognized and continues to grow and strengthen.

Professionals with a graduate diploma conferred by the Chamber of Mines of Peru in their curriculum vitae obtain greater relevance, as well as increase their standing in the eyes of the state institution, to the point of having a significant influence on the award of a public work or getting an important position.