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Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University and the CMP sign agreement

The alliance will promote reciprocal cooperation in the development of several activities based on the mining sector.

Universidad Jorge Basadre

The Chamber of Mines of Peru and the Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann of Tacna signed last July 25th the Convenio Marco de Cooperación Interinstitucional (Interinstitutional Cooperation Framework Agreement). The alliance between both institutions aims to establish and promote collaboration, cooperation, and reciprocal assistance in the development of various cultural and technical training activities. All based on the mining sector.

One of the main disadvantages among universities in Peru is the lack of research programs among their professors and students. This limits the generation of new solutions to the problems arising in the development of mining operations.

This is an important aspect for the Chamber of Mines of Peru. Because we seek to find a prompt solution to all these problems, and to encourage the development of creative and innovative proposals among future professionals in the mining industry.

Therefore, aware of the existing needs, the Eng. César Gallardo Vela, Executive Director of the Chamber of Mines of Peru, and the Dr. Adilio Portella Valverde, Dean of the Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann, strengthened their commitment to the development of professionals in the mining sector.

In addition, through this agreement they seek to contribute to the good development and protection of the environment and social responsibility.

Purpose of the agreement with the Universidad Jorge Basadre

Finally, the agreement with the University commits both parties to carry out coordinated actions. This in strict observance of the attributions that the law and its internal norms confer to each of the parties, among which the following stand out:

  1. To provide technical assistance and training to people from both institutions in the areas of competence of each of the parties.
  2. To co-organize and jointly  develop cultural and/or social responsibility activities.
  3. Collaborate in the dissemination of activities and services organized by one or both institutions.