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Mining Culture: Launching of “Lima, Ciudad de las Huacas” Program

The program seeks to conserve archaeological monuments located all throughout the districts of Lima.

Mining Culture: Launching of “Lima, Ciudad de las Huacas” Program

The Chamber of Mines of Peru promotes the Mining Culture and attends the launch of the program “Lima, Ciudad de las Huacas” in huaca Mateo Salado.

Dr. Carlos Castagnola, General Secretary of CMP’s Advisory Council, attended the launching event of “Lima, Ciudad de las Huacas” in the huaca Mateo Salado. The event was promoted by the Ministry of Culture with the help of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

“This program plans to preserve the archaeological monuments located in the different districts of Lima. It also seeks to promote different measures for the protection, enhancement, and social use of pre-Hispanic archaeological monuments. To this end, we call for the collaboration between local governments, organized civil society and the media.

Peruvian Mining and Archaeological Culture

Former Minister of Culture, Jorge Nieto, expressed: “All huacas have history and value for the mining culture. The launching of the program at national level. We have been making progress, holding meetings with provincial governors and mayors of different provinces of Peru. All for the benefit of the country and to recover an essential element of our identity. Not to mention, to incorporate archaeological heritage monuments into our everyday lives”.

Likewise, Nieto stated that, in conjunction with the Ministry of Labor, temporary positions will be created for young people who wish to work together with archaeologists in the preservation and care of the huacas throughout the country. “It is an added value to the program. It provides a new value by trying to offer these jobs to young people who dedicate themselves to defending their cultural heritage”.

Regarding the invasions of the huacas in the country, Minister Jorge Nieto, assured that they will reach agreements peacefully and through dialogue to stop the invasions, so the Cultural Heritage be properly used. “We cannot let our cultural heritage be lost. What we have is very valuable and if we lose it, it will be irreversible”, he stressed.
“For her part, Dina Paucar, representative of UNICEF, said that her job will be to encourage schools to care for our culture. In addition, she made statement. “We cannot let our historic place become a garbage dump or a forgotten space, we have to revalue our heritage”.